Thursday, August 2, 2012

Learn how PayLoadz can help you make the most of PayPal download delivery

In today’s media market, it is not at all uncommon to sell and deliver digital content such as files, software, art, photographs, music, and movies through a number of electronic sources. This is usually referred to as e-commerce.  There are many e-commerce platforms, such as PayLoadz, that can be integrated for PayPal Downloads and delivery of your digital content.

Working with a platform like PayLoadz makes it even easier to sell downloads and receive payments through PayPal.  Digital goods are easily sold online, but how do you accept payments and deliver the media? PayPal allows for a low-cost and easy way to collect payments from your customers and deliver digital products. Incorporating PayPal into your PayLoadz account will also open up an entire network of established relationships with global account holders.

However, when you sell digital goods, you will need to implement a little protection on your end while maintaining a certain level of customer service for your clients. Using PayPal Download Delivery options is a great way to do this. PayPal offers protection for both the buyer and the seller which helps reduce the risk of fraud and chargebacks.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Benefits of Using PayLoadz to Sell Pay Per Download Files

Now that you know the basics of selling pay per download products let us remind you of some of the benefits of using our system. We offer cost-effective programs for our members that definitely help boost your sales while costing you nothing to sign up!  Our automatic and instant delivery of your pay to Download Products is safe, reliable, and efficient – with all files hosted on our secure servers. With PayLoadz you can sell virtually any digital product, so what’s stopping you from getting started today?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Basics of Selling Secure PDF Files

So You Want to Sell PDF Files Online

In order to successfully sell PDF Download files, you just need to know what you’re doing.  But don’t worry, that’s why we’re here.  PayLoadz knows all there is about selling pdf files and we can help!  One of the best ways to do this is through an e-store.  What’s an e-store?  It’s simply a location online that allows customers to find your products – just like a traditional brick-and-mortar location but strictly on the Internet!  Your e-store doesn’t have to be a dedicated website, though that helps.  You can simply add a page to an existing blog.  As long as the page is clearly written and explains the nature of your pdf files, you are set.
Offer Your Customers Options

How often do you shop for products and abandon a possible purchase when you don’t have sufficient options?  Versatility is an essential aspect to selling digital files online successfully.  So, what do we mean by this?  By putting your product – your pdf downloads – out there you’ll get more sales.  Even if you already have a dedicated website for your digital products, there is always something more you can do.  In fact, you can even list your pdf downloads in the PayLoadz Store.  Our platform will offer customers yet another purchase option, but listing it in our store will reach even more people.